суббота, 6 апреля 2013 г.

dental care

dental care: rules

Rules for the care of your teeth, it would seem, are known to us from childhood. Still, the number of people who can boast of a lack of any "teeth" of the problems, rather small. And often it is due to improper care of the oral cavity. How to care for your teeth, so that they always stay healthy?
What kind of toothpaste to choose?Specific criteria for the selection of pasta is not the main thing - that it contains fluoride.

What you need to know about the toothbrush?The toothbrush should be changed regularly (every 3 months) - the bacteria that accumulate on it, can cause diseases of the oral cavity, as well as slow down the recovery of patients teeth due to reinfection. If three months have not yet passed, but you notice that the brush has lost its original appearance - disheveled, hair falls out of it, also change it.Very often need to change your toothbrush people suffering from various disorders of the digestive system, and be sure to change the brush after pneumonia, sore throats, flu, acute respiratory infections - bacteria remaining on the toothbrush of a man able to continue their livelihoods during the month.And finally - to use only his toothbrush.How often and how long to brush your teeth?At least twice a day - in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before going to bed. Duration of cleaning teeth - 3 minutes.

How to brush your teeth with a toothbrush?Toothbrush to clean the teeth thoroughly rinsed, it bears a small amount of toothpaste.External and internal surfaces of the teeth are cleaned as follows: the working part of the toothbrush at an angle of 45 º to the tooth and are made "sweeps" of the movement in the direction of the gum to the tooth.Chewing surfaces of the teeth clean as follows: have your toothbrush horizontally and reciprocating.The inner surface of the posterior teeth cleaned short movements toothbrush at an angle to the vertical tooth.The inner surface of the front teeth cleaned traffic from the gum to the upper edge of the tooth with a toothbrush, a vertically.Do not forget to clean it first - it is cleared and sweeping back-and-forth motions.Toothbrush thoroughly washed and placed in a glass bristle up.
How to brush your teeth with dental floss?When you do not have a toothbrush or use it is not possible to clean the teeth from food debris helps floss or dental floss. To cleanse the teeth with floss to wind the thread around 40 cm middle finger, so that between them remain strained part of the filament length of about 2-3 cm This part of the thread to gently introduce between his teeth, to make a few moves from the gum to the upper edge of the tooth, with thread floss must bend around the tooth to the gum line. As you use the thread to its unwinding. Each section of floss is used once for one between the teeth.
Do I need to clean the tongue?One of the most important stage of purification of oral tongue cleaning. Many people forget about it, limited only by brushing the teeth. But the language also accumulated food debris and various harmful microorganisms. Cleaning the tongue helps remove plaque from him and will ensure fresh breath.To clean the language you can use special scrapers (spoons), intended for the opposite direction of the toothbrush (with a mini-scraper language on it), a manual toothbrush and toothpaste. Language should begin cleaning the back part of it, gradually moving to the tongue tip. After cleaning the tongue scraper should be cleaned (toothbrush, a spoon) under running water, and rinse your mouth with an elixir.

Why dental elixirs?The final stage of treatment is the use of oral mouthwash. It prevents the formation of plaque on the teeth, has an antibacterial effect on the mouth, freshens breath. Gargle mouthwash takes 1-2 minutes, after which the liquid to spit it out.

How food affects the health of our teeth?Dental health is largely dependent on our food. Thus, the teeth are harmful foods contain large amounts of sugar. Want to avoid tooth decay - limit yourself to use different sweets. It is also proved that the enamel of the teeth can eat citrus juice, so after using them for food advisable to rinse your mouth. Harmful effect on teeth is too cold and too hot food (drinks), in particular its combination (hot coffee drunk after just eaten ice cream servings).Useful for dental health are foods rich in fluorine (red fish, black tea), calcium (dairy products, sesame, soy), iron (liver, kidney beans, buckwheat), phosphorus (beef, eggs, fish), vitamin D (egg , mushrooms, mackerel), B (nuts, carrots, potatoes, cauliflower, spinach), C (wild rose, apple, currant).
How often should I visit the dentist?Preventive dental checkups and timely treatment of dental disease - a guarantee that in the future you will not have problems with the oral cavity. Visit the dentist every six months is recommended.Healthy teeth and a dazzling white smile, pleasant breath, lack of fear during a visit to the dentist - this is the result for the proper care of your teeth, regular care of the purity of the mouth.