Activated charcoal slimming : Myths and Realities
Incredibly popular tool advertised on the entire Internet . Activated charcoal slimming seems something as a magic pill that can remove those extra pounds right before our eyes , without making this any additional steps . Sorcerers and wizards take the responsibility for the "purification " of the body . Can we trust these promises ?
What is the true purpose of these pills? Adsorbent packing costs literally pennies and it's amazing that we all have not shapely as cypresses . What hinders us - fear of the unknown or really serious obstacles slimming charcoal ? Try to understand , considering the fragmented and systematizing information .
The dosage regimen and indications for these destination
Any pills sold in pharmacies with a purpose. Why was conceived activated charcoal as a medicine ? Information in the manual does not give any explanation about the use of activated charcoal for weight loss. Elimination of toxins from the body - yes. For example, in cases of poisoning , infections of the gastrointestinal tract, dysentery and salmonellosis . If you go to a medical study , it is possible to take coal as a remedy for flatulence , it may be an x-ray or abdominal ultrasound .
Activated charcoal binds water molecules well , so it is the perfect remedy for diarrhea. It sucks up water , and outputs it in a natural way . That's it. There is no doubt that this is only a natural product , which for many is synonymous with " security." However, this is all in his dosage. It appears within 7-10 hours after administration, the intestinal wall is not irritated and does not suck . It can really give even the youngest children , except in very rare contraindications, as well as all adults.
How much coal drink ?
The recommended dose depends on the age of the person and its mass as well as the main reason for admission. For example , flatulence can be eliminated only 1-2 tablets , the same amount of child enough in case of diarrhea . Activated carbon is frequently used for human toxicity after alcoholic poisoning , in such cases, taking the coal concentration in 1:10 - one tablet per 10 kg body weight. Activated charcoal slimming advised to take in the same dosage . To increase the therapeutic effect , better tablets crushed into powder and wash down with water .
Of activated charcoal to give ?
Useful properties of charcoal have been known since ancient Egypt and ancient Greece. In Russia birch coal used , which was derived from real wood . Today coal is produced from wood or fossil coal. There is an activated carbon. heat treating the resultant polymeric materials without air . It also has a porous structure and a black color. Pore size depends on the specific processing technology .
How are slimming and slagging of the organism
So, if it helps to lose weight means ? And if so , to whom? If the body is heavily intoxicated , observed violations processes defecation , bloating, skin rashes and dermatitis - can safely use activated carbon and for weight loss and to normalize the functioning of all organs and systems. But rather describe the drug related problems rashes and dermatitis than overweight - how does the extra weight associated with these phenomena ?
Authors methods believe that most of the problems associated with excess weight bowel problems . Misbehaving immensely Razuvaev intestine , increasing the number of loops , which makes our stomach thicker. Activated charcoal slimming cleanses the colon of toxins , thereby preventing the formation of excessive gas . The result is bound to be positive - in two weeks to clear the body will feel like thus slender cypress .
Activated charcoal slimming and overweight
Let's look at how to lose weight tips developers in more detail. Those who believe in magic weight loss without effort, will be upset . Taking the pills will not cause drastic weight loss . Of course, any reaction is possible - it is possible that you and lose 1-2 pounds, but without a review of diet and exercise is unlikely to be able to achieve better results .
Lost weight , most likely a consequence of the withdrawal of body fluids. Same derived toxins have no effect on weight change . Must be very careful if you drink medicine accordance with the instructions , uncontrolled use of drugs does not lead to anything good . One of the unpleasant consequences can be constipation. Thus, the " little black circle " by itself has no effect on body weight.
Risk of method and contraindications
Even single dose pill increases the risk of constipation and what can happen within 10-14 days , is unknown. It is not necessary to experiment on themselves people with chronic disease : hemorrhoids , anal fissures . Activated charcoal slimming can excrete many substances , including not only toxins but also vitamins and minerals. If it means taking a long time may develop a deficiency disease .
May begin such changes , which people do not even expect - changing complexion ( it becomes sallow ) , enhanced brittle nails , hair starts to fall out . Contraindications activated carbon listed in the instructions for use. This gastric ulcer , duodenal ulcer, internal bleeding in the bowel medications acting after absorption in the intestine. Activated carbon can mask slimming starts bleeding in the digestive system .
How to take activated charcoal slimming techniques according to the authors ?
Of course , each person chooses a most appropriate diet and weight loss method based on activated carbon has its fans . First you need to conduct special training. Fasting day , reminding starvation implies that at this time you can only drink water. At the end of the day you need to drink 10 pounded tablets and drink half a glass of water. Operation is repeated in the morning , and half an hour is possible to eat a light breakfast. Dinner need to cook the chicken broth and cheese in the evening .
Other dairy products , beer or kvass this day should be abandoned. Such a course of coal can be carried out on weekends , after a while it is assumed that the waist postroyneet by 25-30%. About 8 procedures need to achieve such a result . At this time, you need to follow the diet . Excluded fatty, fried , spicy.
Easy to guess that the method of losing weight with the use of activated carbon is not nothing but a diet , fasting alternate days and days when our diet is limited to low-calorie foods. Even if you do not use activated carbon for weight loss, you can get rid of extra pounds , observing all the rules of supply .
A few embodiments diet charcoal
1. The day to eat 10 tablets of coal, but not immediately, but in a few tricks -
- For an hour before dinner .
- For an hour before dinner .
- For an hour before breakfast.
2 . Eat one tablet of activated charcoal slimming up in the morning for a few days . The dose is gradually increased until a few pills .
3 . Drink as many tablets a day , as is contained tens of kilograms in weight - for example, at 60 kg - 6 tablets at 70 - 7 pcs.
Do not mix !
During activated charcoal slimming should not use other medicated drugs , otherwise they will process sorbed . Within 12 hours after poisoning carbon can influence processes . But the coal is not mixed and not retained in the intestines and feces output by , coloring it black.
Reviews and facts about charcoal slimming
None of the medical school does not take responsibility for weight loss method based on activated carbon . No way challenged the use of adsorbents in the purification of the body. Coal quickly absorbs toxins , eliminates pathogenic products sector and neutralizes poisons in case of poisoning . However, its structure will not be able to absorb fats and carbohydrates on a molecular level.
Activated charcoal is not blocking slimming calories , carbohydrate chains are much shorter , they begin to disintegrate in the mouth yet . Even if we assume that the idea of blocking calories by activated carbon is correct, thus making process can be broken enzymes. If you violate the natural processes of digestion products on the contrary start to wander in the body.
In addition, after the use of coal on an empty stomach to increase appetite , as well as coal binds some minerals , so food becomes unbalanced . Review the people who dared still try to get a result , it may be noted that the effect of weight loss there is, but not the same as the developers promise diet....
What is the true purpose of these pills? Adsorbent packing costs literally pennies and it's amazing that we all have not shapely as cypresses . What hinders us - fear of the unknown or really serious obstacles slimming charcoal ? Try to understand , considering the fragmented and systematizing information .
The dosage regimen and indications for these destination
Any pills sold in pharmacies with a purpose. Why was conceived activated charcoal as a medicine ? Information in the manual does not give any explanation about the use of activated charcoal for weight loss. Elimination of toxins from the body - yes. For example, in cases of poisoning , infections of the gastrointestinal tract, dysentery and salmonellosis . If you go to a medical study , it is possible to take coal as a remedy for flatulence , it may be an x-ray or abdominal ultrasound .
Activated charcoal binds water molecules well , so it is the perfect remedy for diarrhea. It sucks up water , and outputs it in a natural way . That's it. There is no doubt that this is only a natural product , which for many is synonymous with " security." However, this is all in his dosage. It appears within 7-10 hours after administration, the intestinal wall is not irritated and does not suck . It can really give even the youngest children , except in very rare contraindications, as well as all adults.
How much coal drink ?
The recommended dose depends on the age of the person and its mass as well as the main reason for admission. For example , flatulence can be eliminated only 1-2 tablets , the same amount of child enough in case of diarrhea . Activated carbon is frequently used for human toxicity after alcoholic poisoning , in such cases, taking the coal concentration in 1:10 - one tablet per 10 kg body weight. Activated charcoal slimming advised to take in the same dosage . To increase the therapeutic effect , better tablets crushed into powder and wash down with water .
Of activated charcoal to give ?
Useful properties of charcoal have been known since ancient Egypt and ancient Greece. In Russia birch coal used , which was derived from real wood . Today coal is produced from wood or fossil coal. There is an activated carbon. heat treating the resultant polymeric materials without air . It also has a porous structure and a black color. Pore size depends on the specific processing technology .
How are slimming and slagging of the organism
So, if it helps to lose weight means ? And if so , to whom? If the body is heavily intoxicated , observed violations processes defecation , bloating, skin rashes and dermatitis - can safely use activated carbon and for weight loss and to normalize the functioning of all organs and systems. But rather describe the drug related problems rashes and dermatitis than overweight - how does the extra weight associated with these phenomena ?
Authors methods believe that most of the problems associated with excess weight bowel problems . Misbehaving immensely Razuvaev intestine , increasing the number of loops , which makes our stomach thicker. Activated charcoal slimming cleanses the colon of toxins , thereby preventing the formation of excessive gas . The result is bound to be positive - in two weeks to clear the body will feel like thus slender cypress .
Activated charcoal slimming and overweight
Let's look at how to lose weight tips developers in more detail. Those who believe in magic weight loss without effort, will be upset . Taking the pills will not cause drastic weight loss . Of course, any reaction is possible - it is possible that you and lose 1-2 pounds, but without a review of diet and exercise is unlikely to be able to achieve better results .
Lost weight , most likely a consequence of the withdrawal of body fluids. Same derived toxins have no effect on weight change . Must be very careful if you drink medicine accordance with the instructions , uncontrolled use of drugs does not lead to anything good . One of the unpleasant consequences can be constipation. Thus, the " little black circle " by itself has no effect on body weight.
Risk of method and contraindications
Even single dose pill increases the risk of constipation and what can happen within 10-14 days , is unknown. It is not necessary to experiment on themselves people with chronic disease : hemorrhoids , anal fissures . Activated charcoal slimming can excrete many substances , including not only toxins but also vitamins and minerals. If it means taking a long time may develop a deficiency disease .
May begin such changes , which people do not even expect - changing complexion ( it becomes sallow ) , enhanced brittle nails , hair starts to fall out . Contraindications activated carbon listed in the instructions for use. This gastric ulcer , duodenal ulcer, internal bleeding in the bowel medications acting after absorption in the intestine. Activated carbon can mask slimming starts bleeding in the digestive system .
How to take activated charcoal slimming techniques according to the authors ?
Of course , each person chooses a most appropriate diet and weight loss method based on activated carbon has its fans . First you need to conduct special training. Fasting day , reminding starvation implies that at this time you can only drink water. At the end of the day you need to drink 10 pounded tablets and drink half a glass of water. Operation is repeated in the morning , and half an hour is possible to eat a light breakfast. Dinner need to cook the chicken broth and cheese in the evening .
Other dairy products , beer or kvass this day should be abandoned. Such a course of coal can be carried out on weekends , after a while it is assumed that the waist postroyneet by 25-30%. About 8 procedures need to achieve such a result . At this time, you need to follow the diet . Excluded fatty, fried , spicy.
Easy to guess that the method of losing weight with the use of activated carbon is not nothing but a diet , fasting alternate days and days when our diet is limited to low-calorie foods. Even if you do not use activated carbon for weight loss, you can get rid of extra pounds , observing all the rules of supply .
A few embodiments diet charcoal
1. The day to eat 10 tablets of coal, but not immediately, but in a few tricks -
- For an hour before dinner .
- For an hour before dinner .
- For an hour before breakfast.
2 . Eat one tablet of activated charcoal slimming up in the morning for a few days . The dose is gradually increased until a few pills .
3 . Drink as many tablets a day , as is contained tens of kilograms in weight - for example, at 60 kg - 6 tablets at 70 - 7 pcs.
Do not mix !
During activated charcoal slimming should not use other medicated drugs , otherwise they will process sorbed . Within 12 hours after poisoning carbon can influence processes . But the coal is not mixed and not retained in the intestines and feces output by , coloring it black.
Reviews and facts about charcoal slimming
None of the medical school does not take responsibility for weight loss method based on activated carbon . No way challenged the use of adsorbents in the purification of the body. Coal quickly absorbs toxins , eliminates pathogenic products sector and neutralizes poisons in case of poisoning . However, its structure will not be able to absorb fats and carbohydrates on a molecular level.
Activated charcoal is not blocking slimming calories , carbohydrate chains are much shorter , they begin to disintegrate in the mouth yet . Even if we assume that the idea of blocking calories by activated carbon is correct, thus making process can be broken enzymes. If you violate the natural processes of digestion products on the contrary start to wander in the body.
In addition, after the use of coal on an empty stomach to increase appetite , as well as coal binds some minerals , so food becomes unbalanced . Review the people who dared still try to get a result , it may be noted that the effect of weight loss there is, but not the same as the developers promise diet....