How to lose weight at home. Diet for those over 30
Breakfast: 125 g cottage cheese, vegetable salad, 1 slice of bread, tea or coffee.
11.00 – 1-2 fruit and green vegetables, such as green peppers, cucumbers.
Lunch: vegetable soup, beetroot soup or hash. Lean beef or Turkey (1 time in 2 weeks you can afford the liver fried in a pan without adding oil). As a garnish you can prepare a salad or add to a dish 2-3 tbsp green peas.
Snack: 1-2 fruit, 1-Cup. unsweetened yogurt.
Dinner: vegetables with 1 tsp vegetable oil, cottage cheese. 1-2 slices of black bread.
During this diet is recommended to drink 10-12 cups. of water per day. Also every day you should eat some apples, tangerines, plums, and there are no restrictions green vegetables.
Seriously thinking about how to lose weight at home, you've already taken the first steps to a new wonderful and healthy life. Away all doubt – change your lifestyle and diet! Take in the optimism, cheerfulness, attractiveness, bold move on the chosen path, remembering that each day is not preparing for the future of the beautiful, it is life itself. So make it better!