суббота, 21 сентября 2013 г.

How to lose weight with the help of activated carbon.

How to lose weight with the help of activated carbon.

Activated carbon is slimming . Reviews .

Active (activated ) carbon - excellent absorbent.

How to lose weight ( effective ) - with activated charcoal :

Method one: eat exactly ten tabletochek coal. But the need to " break " them for three doses , and do not drink at once . " Split ", for example , you can :

For sixty minutes before dinner .
For sixty minutes before lunch .
For sixty minutes before breakfast .
Method two : wake up , eat one pill " aktivirchika ." And so - every morning. Do not forget that coal will have to increase the dose . Lift off with a few pills ( with two or three) .

The third way : you need to drink as much activated tablets, how many pounds of weight found in your body. If you weigh fifty pounds - drink five tablets if seventy-seven tablets.

Reviews of coal losing weight :

Number 1. Reviewed Katerinochki : so I tried to lose weight - did not help . Tried these options several times , thinking that I 'm doing something wrong . But I can not be wrong so often . It turns out that , whether carbon wrong , or my body is very naughty . But try . Do not rule out the possibility that you can lose weight with these little black pills.

Number 2 . Reviewed by Zlatko : What - what legenky diet altogether. I thought her "condition" will be much more stringent. I read - I realized that not everything is as bad as in my thoughts . Well, that diet does not cause the slightest allergy.

Number three . Reviewed Ritka : Classroom dietochka , by the way ! And good nutrition helps to digest . In short , this diet deserves great respect . Everyone - all advise her to try ! And the body is cleaned , and the number of pounds in the body decreases.

Number 4 . Reviewed Lilechka : From I also have information on activated carbon . Perhaps it would be useful to many . First, it increases several times contact with harmful substances , as the powder from which the tablet is completely composed of tiny pores . Secondly , they say that the coal washes away all the vitamins and nutrients from the body. Frightened or persuaded , or both?

Number 5 . Reviewed by Pauline : I suggest just such a diet with activated charcoal .

Your Monday :

Breakfast - cheese ( a little piece ), tea without sugar , a piece of bread ( very small ) .

Lunch - buckwheat , kefir .

Dinner - pineapple juice ( a couple of cups ) , salad from a variety of fruits.

Your Tuesday :

Breakfast - a piece of cheese , tea , a small piece of bread.

Lunch - vegetable stew (slightly salted ) .

Dinner - Pineapple juice ( several glasses ) , one egg ( hard-boiled ) , chicken breast ( one hundred grams).

Your environment .

Breakfast - a sandwich with cheese, tea ( no sugar at all ) .

Lunch - a bit of bacon with bread ( rye ) , yogurt ( three teaspoons tablespoons ) , a few bananas.

Dinner - mashed potatoes, tomato juice ( a couple of cups ) .

Your Thursday.

Breakfast - cheese , a slice of bread and tea.

Lunch - buckwheat porridge with yogurt .

Dinner - Pineapple juice (one cup or two) , a salad of apelsinchikov .

On this day you need to take eight tablets of activated charcoal in the evening and in the morning. The reception - pereryvchiki between meals.

Your Friday .

Breakfast - as in previous days.

Lunch - yogurt , unsalted rice .

Dinner - juice and a few boiled eggs.

Your Saturday .

Breakfast - as in previous days.

Lunch - Green tea ( two - three cups ) low-fat cottage cheese ( one hundred grams).

Dinner - apple and morkovochka , rubbed with sugar.

Your Sunday.

Breakfast - Breakfast is repeated.

Lunch - pot , a little salty stew of vegetables.

Dinner - a glass of juice from apples and three bananas .


Sunday - corn flakes , mixed with two spoons of yogurt.

Saturday - cottage cheese ( one hundred grams ) , green tea (several glasses) .

Friday - izyumchik ( half a cup ) .

Thursday - cereal in yogurt .

Wednesday - yogurt.

Tuesday - oat flakes with yogurt .

Monday - corn flakes with yogurt .

Number 6. Review of Rosalind : I have some nausea on these pills . And the tongue is black with them. If it was effective in fact - I would and it endured . But my friends say that it is a simple setup.

Number 7. Reviewed by Valeria : I graduated from the Medical University . What I want to say about such " life-saving " .... They - not very safe . But also on the body of each person depends on a lot . I would even canceled all diet. And light, and hard ....

Number 8. Tanya Review : I agree with the girl who talked about " the bases ". I tried three times to this diet with activated charcoal , but nothing from her, and has not achieved . Nothing good . All you got - to no avail.

Number 9. Arina Review : Gymnastics - better than any embers ! Although , I confess to you honestly , I tried one in which " featured " one pill . I liked this method , but I could not hold it long .

Number 10 . Review ALLCA : Sat yesterday , I read what diet to choose. I have not been helped by diet embers . Did not help at all . I may have the body so awful ? Or maybe it's a horrible weight ? I generally wind the self ! The horror! What about the wrongness of his fluttering , then another reason . Already tired. But losing weight for sure! Why would I not worth it!

Number 11. Vikusik Review : Only I sit on the embers . My kid me , as a joke , and call the fire started . Well, I do not mind , because I know he calls me so loving. Originally , I - fire, which sits on a diet . Did not think so imagination can make a joke . My boyfriend is against any diets and paddocks about the weight . Yes, and I'm against it, but the beauty always wins. I want a nice waist, and no less beautiful dimensions .

Number 12. Reviewed Anzhelochka : Girls, and let us love ourselves as we are now ! If pohudeem - it is , we will not . I tried both the proposed dietki with activated charcoal. Experimented . The experiment showed that a diet effect. But to her, I will not be back for sure. It sounds like it is about the " non-return " to the guy . By the way, the guy I did not think to leave. He is - good . Very good! He does not like when I 'm losing weight , but loves it when I weigh a little . How ironic , though.