пятница, 11 июля 2014 г.

Diet Lemon + Buckwheat

Diet Lemon + Buckwheat . -7 Days 10 kg .

Diet Lemon + Buckwheat - off-season effective method of losing weight. The main components of its menu : lemon juice mixed with water in certain proportions and boiled buckwheat porridge .

Diet Lemon + Buckwheat can lose weight by 7 pounds in 10 days , subject to its diet. By the way, it is easy to observe . But you will rejoice in the results for a long time !

buckwheat diet 10 days 7kg reviews and results
Diet Lemon + Buckwheat promises to minus 7 kg in 10 days!

Lemon juice and buckwheat . The perfect combination .
Lemon juice exhibits a particularly effective action on fat deposition in combination with ... what would you think? That's right, with the usual buckwheat ! We tell you in great detail how the buckwheat helps to lose weight in two articles: Buckwheat diet . Effect. Reviews . Diet and 6 cereals . Lemon juice , in turn , mixed with ordinary water can significantly speed up the process of losing weight , increase metabolism , decrease appetite and in general, to increase the effectiveness of any diet . Interesting fact for losing weight - 1 cup of lemon juice before a meal can burn up to 400 calories for the next hour ! But let's not forget that the essence of this diet - a combination of lemon juice and buckwheat in a diet , not eating them separately ! Thus, we achieve the maximum effect in losing weight , overweight consumed much faster, and accordingly, you rejoice with greater and greater plumb .

The principle of weight loss on a diet or how it works

Why is buckwheat in conjunction with the lemon juice helps to lose weight quickly ? What is special about the combination of these 2- products? The fact that sitting on the well known and classic buckwheat diet (when the diet consists only of buckwheat ) , you are exposing your body to the test , using the so -called " non-living " foods.

Non-living food is the one that does not contain a major antioxidant that is included with only fresh ingredients - ascorbic acid (or vitamin C). The content of this vitamin catastrophically low in the stale products or products intended for long-term storage , such as cereals, flour , and the like. Naturally , buckwheat it relates to a number of such products. When the body for a long time, comes only buckwheat , he begins to feel the lack of the main elements for themselves - vitamin C. As a result, buckwheat starts you to " annoy " and " wear off ." All this - the provocation of your body , wanting to get a dose of fresh produce. That's why people often use buckwheat for weight loss, there was a sharp craving for fruit and vegetables (in which the vitamin C content is highest ) . It turns out the two sides of the medal : on the one hand, buckwheat diet is very effective , but on the other - it is not long on hold . What is the solution ?

The solution was found ! It was very simple , and at the same time extremely effective. The diet of buckwheat diet was added lemon juice mixed with water. Drinking pure lemon juice does not need to , first, it is too acidic , and second - only 1 teaspoon in a glass of water would be enough to make up for the daily requirement of ascorbic acid. In addition, the diet Buckwheat diet + Lemon provides drinking black tea with slices of lemon, and a nice bonus for the sweet tooth - lemon slices with a very small amount of sugar. Do not worry, a kind of dessert , namely lemon slices with sugar - is a psychological move that will allow you to get rid of the desire to eat something sweet (the most typical desire for cereals in the diet ), and will not give you , roughly speaking, to gorge on sweets and chocolates . Function dessert is extremely important in any effective diet for weight loss.

Black tea with lemon sugar free diet menu is included in the Lemon + Buckwheat .

Desert plays the role of promotion, it seems to reward you for the efforts you have made for a day to observe this diet regime . In this dessert in the diet is helpful and nizkokalorien ! That amount of sugar that you eat with lemon, will not affect the results of weight loss, but psychologically you will not break the diet menu . Here is a simple and effective technique .

Results Diet Lemon + Buckwheat
The superiority of this diet is not only its simplicity, but , of course, and the final results ! On a diet lemon + Buckwheat ot5 can lose weight up to 10 kg in 10 days. The average result - minus 7 pounds. He , by the way , is listed in the title of the diet. As for any carbohydrate diet pounds will go steadily, not sharp pace, but at a reasonable rate . There may be some variations , for example , on the first day - the two can go up to 3 pounds, and in the next few days plummet can be at 400-500 grams per day. Such a situation is normal and indicates only that your body adapts to his new power system .

Lemon and sugar. This dessert you can indulge yourself every day!

The results on the diet can improve quality through sports. It is widely known that a diet based on carbohydrate supply circuit , particularly effective when combining them with mild exertion . An example of such an effective diet is known to all Diet SuperBody. With the help of Exercise spent a greater percentage of body fat . On average , using diet Lemon + Buckwheat and giving the sport just 20 minutes a day , your average daily pitches to increase by 0.3-0.4 kg . The diet is recommended for people with high levels of obesity , as well as for those with relatively small weight.

Here is the sample data to reduce body weight , which can be guided based on your BMI :

BMI = 20-24,99 / Plummet WITHIN 10 DAYS 6 ... 8 kg

BMI = 25-29,99 / Plummet WITHIN 10 DAYS 7 ... 9 kg

BMI = 30-34,99 / Plummet 10 days 8 ... 10 kg

BMI = 30-34,99 / Plummet FOR 10 DAYS 9 ... 12 kg

BMI = 35-39,99 / Plummet 10 days 10 ... 15 kg

Weakened diet regime .

As with any serious power technique for weight loss , diet lemon + Buckwheat involves some breaks for losing weight on its menu. Below, we provide a list of products that you sometimes , if desired, you can use it during the diet. It will not be a violation of its regime , but only allows you to not falling down , continue to pursue weight loss.

If you like meat, poultry, boil the chicken . Can his salt . Before use, be sure to remove the skin !

If you like red meat varieties, boil the beef or veal. You can salt the meat .

If you like sea food , boil or stew fish. Fish can add salt . Variety of fish is not important. Even oily fish boiled in helping to reduce body weight.

If you want sweet , you can afford to eat some sweet fruit or a handful of dried fruit.

carbohydrate diet to lose weight with lemon -10 kg for 7 days
Fish , chicken and beef can appear in your diet at will! Preferably boiled .

Do not forget , in the diet are forbidden to use flour products : bread, buns and more! You also can not afford to eat high-calorie sweets such as candy , chocolate, marshmallows and the like.
Otherwise , you sometimes can afford to let the fish , poultry and meat, referred to in the above paragraphs .

Diet Lemon + Buckwheat . Menu per day. The course of the diet - 10 days.


Breakfast: 1 cup of water mixed with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice (or 1 teaspoon of lime juice .) 100 gr. boiled buckwheat porridge ( about one-third cup dry buckwheat groats) .

Lunch: 100 g. boiled buckwheat porridge ( about one-third cup dry buckwheat groats) . 1 cup of tea without sugar with two slices of lemon ( or two slices of lime ) .

Dinner: 100 grams. boiled buckwheat porridge ( about one-third cup dry buckwheat groats) . 3 slices of lemon ( or 3 slices of lime ) , sprinkled with sugar, fructose or sugar (you can eat the slices of sugar-free ) . 1 cup of water.

For more tips on adherence to diet

As you can see , the diet menu is fully consistent with the above-described diet. The only thing we have not mentioned before - it's about a substitute in diet lemon , lime . If desired, you can easily replace the lemon lime. The proportions remain the same as for the lemon are displayed in the menu.

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Lemon, if desired , you can safely replace the lime !

Do not forget that in the amplification of hunger, or a strong desire to diversify the diet you can use the menu weakened the regime, and treat yourself to a cooked meat , poultry or fish. And to sweeten your menu with fruits or dried fruits. But remember , it is necessary to comply with the measure !

If you feel a sharp hunger , drink a glass of water at room temperature , mixed with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. After 20 minutes the hunger go away. If you are curious to know why the famine takes only one drinking a glass of water , read Diet for a lazy , it described in detail the issue .

Lemon juice can be squeezed out of the ordinary lemon, bought in a store or market .

To sweeten the slices of lemon ( sm.uzhin ) can be used cane (brown) sugar or fructose. It will be of great benefit to your body than ordinary white refined sugar .

The water in the diet , use room temperature. Cold water with lemon juice unnecessarily whet your appetite and give stress on the kidneys .

Diet Lemon + Buckwheat - effective diet , which, along with a significant decrease in body weight , strengthen your circulatory system , lower cholesterol and improve the immune system due to high content of ascorbic acid, or vitamin C.

From all version of our website we wish you a successful weight loss with this diet !