пятница, 30 октября 2015 г.

How to lose weight at home

How to lose weight at home

The idea how to lose weight at home, brings back many sad memories. Tried, more than once, right? And how can you lose weight when you love to cook and every day I try to feed my family with something tasty, if you can't abandon the traditional evening family tea party with a delicious cake or a mouth-watering pancakes? If we can't defeat my craving for beauty Goodies, so let's try to do differently – outsmart your body.

So, let's start with the seemingly simple, has long been known, but at the same time useful and practical advice, can provide considerable assistance to all who wish to lose weight at home.
• First of all learn how to cook fast and eat slowly.
• Try not to taste the food during cooking.
• About every four hours make useful snacks made from apples or dried fruits, they will help you to maintain the level of sugar in the blood and get rid of irresistible attacks of hunger and a bad mood.
vegetables, diet• Satisfy the needs of your body, without satisfying it is the main rule.
• Immediately abandon their traditional way of life is very difficult, so do it gradually: replace chocolate, cookies or favorite cake any fruit or vegetable salad.
• In no case do not turn the process of weight loss in the exhausting fighting with your body, turn the process of losing weight fun and strive each day to please yourself to your favorite something new and useful.
• The idea that drinking a Cup of coffee without anything to muffle appetite is erroneous. Just some coffee and induces appetite, so better drink water – a glass of lukewarm water 30 minutes before a meal and gradually throughout the day.
• If you unbearably want to eat a piece of cake or a sandwich with butter and sausage, remember – you can always make a small exception to the rule, and make it better in the morning and in the evening to refuse a hearty dinner, eat something light and healthy, like a vegetable stew.