суббота, 5 апреля 2014 г.

buckwheat diet

buckwheat diet

Traditional buckwheat diet is difficult to endure , but you can lose up to 10 kg. excess weight , but with dried buckwheat diet will solve this problem .

Buckwheat diet - a must for women

Talk about buckwheat diet to begin with, that buckwheat - very useful , healthy, one might even say a unique product . It buckwheat diet Tibetan monks used during cleaning stations and meditation. We often underrated in Europe buckwheat worth much more expensive than other cereals, buckwheat diet is recommended for diseases of the cardiovascular system .

In the East, buckwheat diet generally recognized the need for women - it is not only good for weight loss, it is believed that buckwheat diet best creams and masks makes hair shiny , nails and teeth strong and the skin smooth and delicate .

Another important fact in favor of buckwheat diet - buckwheat always natural, it is almost the only product that could not GMO .

Buckwheat diet for weight loss - what are the options .

1. Classic buckwheat diet . That is, during the day you do not eat anything other than buckwheat cooked with water. Dietary allowances - 1 cup buckwheat , this volume should be eaten throughout the day in small portions. But she is not strict - if you do a little, make another batch of the same . This is the most stringent option, but at the same time and most effective . You can drink any amount of green tea without sugar , pure non-carbonated water , in the afternoon allowed a glass of juice .

2 . The second option - a combination of buckwheat diet kefir ( to 1 cup buckwheat , you can add half a liter of yogurt ) . About how to properly combine these two products , we can read the following in a special unit " Buckwheat and kefir diet - can I connect ? "

3 . The macrobiotic diet is buckwheat balls . Most women work, and follow the rules of many of buckwheat diet it is very problematic. For them, and invented this diet on buckwheat balls . They can be prepared in the morning to carry during the day and eat when there is hunger. All details , see below.

4 . Another option that arabio.ru considers the most promising - a combination of buckwheat diet with dried fruit . These two products complement each other and allow you to extend the diet. On the day you can eat the same 1-2 cups of buckwheat and 150 gr. dried fruits.

5 . Buckwheat diet with avocado - that this tandem has recently become actively used in Dietetics - by adding avocado buckwheat diet gained extra flavor , vitamins, minerals , and with virtually no adding calories. This looks like buckwheat diet - buckwheat grupu front fenders until half , mix 3 tablespoons of buckwheat with half an avocado ( fruit cut from the halves to get meat) and eat at any time of the day as a main course for dinner and really necessary. If absolutely fresh, can be added directly into the dish of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice , but only slightly, as they stimulate the appetite. You can drink water half an hour before meals and after the same time after .

Buckwheat diet - recipes , how to cook buckwheat

Cooking recipe for buckwheat buckwheat diet for weight loss is elementary - take a glass of buckwheat , pour boiling water over it and let night stands , that's all the cooking . If this amount of food the whole day not enough for you , then do the morning another batch . An important requirement of buckwheat diet - use product without salt, sugar, butter , pure buckwheat . Undoubtedly , such a diet is effective and will soon bear fruit.

Unfortunately, buckwheat diet , there are two caveats , which we want to draw your attention . First - it is called , is bored , so on the third day there quite well, it is not desirable. For some it's a plus, someone who suffers from hunger, a burden. The second point is related to the fact that buckwheat diet severely restricts the presence of salt in the food and sugars that are still needed for proper metabolism . Therefore, when a rigid buckwheat diet people complain of malaise , headache, lethargy , unwillingness to work . How to get out of this situation? Here are solutions for buckwheat diet , nutritionists that offer ...

Combine buckwheat diet and kefir

Can buckwheat diet combined with yogurt - it is a question asked by nutritionists often . Maybe we'll like . First , the most popular way - connect two diet , buckwheat and kefir , that is, add to daily menu liter of low fat yogurt. So you expand your diet diet. This method is more for those who can not tolerate hunger. However, for reasons of clarity , if you really want to lose weight correctly , you should not interfere with the products , such as buckwheat and have a drink kefir . This is a classic example of a bench malnutrition , from which no benefit . If you really want to buckwheat diet brought you the result , separate buckwheat and kefir from each other at intervals of an hour and a half.

And another tip - if buckwheat pure body quite well, is not accepted, please adopt good unsalted soy sauce - it will add some zest to porridge . Just do not overdo it in order to avoid heartburn. Can use buckwheat diet and lemon juice, a little apple cider vinegar , but they can stimulate the appetite , so be careful .

The macrobiotic diet is buckwheat balls

This version of buckwheat diet is very suitable for busy people. So, in the morning on the water cook buckwheat , about 200-250 grams, give cool slightly and Mnemonic to the state stuffing. Further, in three medium-sized grater and carrots finely finely cut a Bulgarian pepper . All products combine , add a tablespoon of lemon juice , mix well and all of the resulting mixture lepim diameter balls as ruble coin . Then skaladyvaem them into a rigid box of plastic food and take it with you to work .

Use this buckwheat diet should be so - you start to feel hunger , take two - three balls , put them in your mouth , but do not chew , and wait until they are not melted by saliva . Then buckwheat diet allows them to swallow , hunger should disappear within 5-7 minutes , then you can drink a glass of water. The recommended duration of the diet - 3 days .

Buckwheat diet with dried fruit - perfect for slimming !

Buckwheat diet with dried fruits

Apathy , fatigue - a consequence of the lack of sugar in the body . Unfortunately, buckwheat diet often " famous " just this symptom. In this case, you will be dried , which can enhance and buckwheat , and used separately , they give strength and appetite mislead . Do not know what to choose - see material which dried fruits help to lose weight ( under Article announcement ) . Buckwheat diet with dried fruit - apricots , prunes , raisins - I think the most balanced for the body and at the same time very productive , weight goes well . Just do not aim to replace the buckwheat diet diet with dried fruit , where buckwheat is as additional food - different things at 6-7 buckwheat diet apricots berries a day is enough , and be sure to chew it well , to a state of pulp , so the hunger goes away faster.

Buckwheat diet for weight loss or fasting day

Nutritionists recommend - buckwheat diet , when you use it for weight loss, should not become a shock to the body , just like any other diet . First try to use buckwheat diet as fasting day . Look at your feelings , unable to lose weight or not . If everything is OK , then , buckwheat diet can be used by you for a longer period of time.

That's all the advice about buckwheat diet . Despite the simplicity again , I note that the Greek diet is considered one of the best - just a few days see the result , and the full course (2 weeks) certainly make you rethink your wardrobe towards smaller sizes.